Thursday, May 21, 2015

What's All the Fuss About?!?

Finally, the wedding that the Duggar Fans have been waiting for, Jill and Derick Dillard. I dare say the most popular wedding of the heavily booked wedding day. What made her wedding so unique from all of the other thousands of weddings that took place Saturday, June 21, 2014? (besides the fact that she's a Duggar!) The Kiss, of course!

While I'm sure there were a FEW other brides married on Saturday that shared Jill and Derick's belief of saving the kiss for their wedding day, most did not.

In a society where many biblical morals and values are put aside for "times have changed." The purpose and meaning of those are lost, until a family on a reality show live by what many would call out of date rules.

Webster's dictionary defines a kiss: To Salute with the lips, as a mark of affection, reverence, submission, forgiveness, etc. Interestingly, the first mention of a kiss in scriptures is when Jacob was betraying his father Isaac in Genesis 27:26-27. Obviously, there had been thousands of marriages prior to this time, but oddly no mention of a kiss only the physical act of marriage until this story.

Based on biblical teachings, "The kiss symbolized the sealing of a legal contract or bond. The kiss is also  a symbol of commitment, which is why it is so important that a person not kiss before marriage," As stated in the book The Sacredness of a Christian Wedding. An example of this meaning being when Judas kissed Jesus in the garden. "His was a hypocritical act that took the sacred symbol of commitment and turned it into an appalling act of betrayal."

To Christian's who believe that their bodies are the temple of God, they guard their hearts and bodies to live a Christ honoring life for His name's sake. This requires devotion and dedication to the Lord. When a relationship starts with respect for the spiritual well being of another the physical will be a sweet reward God prepared for marriage. Just as Sarah referred to sex as "pleasure" in Genesis 18:12, when she over heard the angel of the Lord telling Abraham that she would have a son, doesn't kissing someone you're romantically fond of pleasure you? Arousing desires that can't be righteously fulfilled as a Christian outside of marriage.
Derick said, "You can really get to know each other on every level without the physical part of it."
Jill said, "We want to save the physical side of our relationship for our wedding day and not go further than we should." "If you are kissing, it gets more intimate. Obviously, you can kiss and not have sex. It's about setting a higher standard so you don't struggle with temptation."
Could kissing (and beyond) be asking (or requiring) your mate to pleasure you before you commit? Putting the physical desires above a persons spiritual needs? A slightly selfish act?

You must admit the decision to wait is a difficult one. Growing up we learn to affectionately kiss those we hold dear. As their hearts have knit together the natural urge to kiss those you love grows with it, but to control that urge can only be controlled by a greater love for their Saviour.

I seriously doubt either of them were disappointed in their first kiss or the many thousands they've had by now. They held to their beliefs and are enjoying the joy of a clear conscience and the  "PLEASURE" that came with the wait.

Congratulations to Derick and Jill! May you live Happily Ever After.

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Owner of Simply Elegant, Dana Ellison publishes "Fancy That" a bi-weekly e-zine. Get your FR*EE modest brides shopping guide: "What Every MODEST Bride MUST Know to Turn Wedding Gown Shopping into a Delightful Experience" at . Get updates, ideas and sneak peaks on her Facebook page

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